Roasts Tuesday ships Wednesday Roasts Thursday ships Friday
Weight: 8 oz.
(8 oz bag) This is our house espresso served in all our locations on the Big Island. The name, ‘Eleu, is a Hawaiian word that means active, alert, energetic, lively, nimble, quick, dexterous, agile, spry, sprightly, prompt. This is the term that kūpuna always used to use when referring to the students at the loʻi that were always active, going, doing s tuff like they’re on espresso. Also, it supports the idea that enlightenment is an active process of discovery and contemplation. ROAST SCHEDULE: Coffee is roasted on Tuesday, it gets shipped on Wednesday. Orders must arrive by Monday at 12:00 pm. Coffee is roasted on Thursday, it gets shipped on Friday. Orders must arrive by Wed at 12:00 pm. So, anything ordered after 12:00pm on Wed gets roasted the following Tuesday.