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Bolivia Caranavi Cascara Tea

Bolivia Caranavi Cascara Tea

Roast: Light

Body: Tea-Like

Acidity: Sweet

Notes: Raspberry, Wild Honey, Orange Blossom, Cherry

Farmer: Small Producers

Elevation: 1300-1800 Meters

Location: Bolivia

Process: Natural Process


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This is a Tea from Coffee Cherries!

Weight: 12 oz.

This recently harvested Bolivian cascara has arrived! These cherries were organically grown, so no residual pesticides here. Cascara is the dried outer skin of the coffee cherry that is pulped off during processing and dried down to be shelf stable. Cascara can be brewed just like any other tea. The result is a vibrantly piquant and sweet nectar that reminds us of raspberries, sweet honey, and orange blossom.